Explore Coral Reefs DVD from The Adventures of Ocean Annie, Makaio & Fringy the Ichthyologist Fish (DVD)
By Annie Crawley
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Review & Description
Explore Coral Reefs! The Adventures of Ocean Annie, Makaio, & Fringy the Ichthyologist fish, produced by Annie Crawley is perfect for children Pre-K to third grade or 3 to 8 years old! Get ready to dive into your imagination and become an Imagination Explorer with cartoon characters Ocean Annie, Makaio and Fringy the ichthyologist fish! Together you will look for sharks, turtles, watch fish take a bath and if you are lucky, you will find a flamboyant cuttlefish! Travel in a submarine and go scuba diving with Annie Crawley, aka Ocean Annie on coral reefs around the world. You will learn about clownfish, hairy frogfish, dolphins, plus experience many more surprises! Explore Coral Reefs DVD is a 45 minute DVD with high definition video footage from around the world combined with cartoon characters who encourage kids to use their imagination. Annie Crawley hosts the show in her scuba diving outfit and takes kids on a journey beneath the sea. Teacher lesson plans are available for Pre K-K and 1st to 3rd Grades to accompany the new Adventures of Ocean Annie books and DVDS. Contact us for more information! When these get into children s hands around the world, they will have another reason to discover the unbelievable is real! Following the success of the award-winning bi-lingual DVD series loved by kids, parents, and teachers, across the globe, Dive Into Your Imagination has created another series of DVDS to accompany What Makes a Fish a Fish?, Who Lives in the Sea, and Dive Into Diversity DVDs and Ocean Life From A to Z book and DVD! Author and Producer Annie Crawley worked with illustrator J. Salvador Ramos to create the cartoon characters in the Adventures of Ocean Annie series. Ocean Annie, a bubbly blonde scuba diver with a passion for adventure, Makaio, a Hawaiian ukulele player and scuba diver, and Fringy the Sarcastic Fringehead Fish travel into the ocean in their yellow submarine, the Imagination Explorer. While encountering other underwater characters such as sharks, sea turtles, and clownfish, these entertaining characters travel in a yellow submarine with readers to coral reefs, eel grass beds and sand flats around the world! Kids will explore, dream, and discover with Ocean Annie and Makaio as they learn about marine biology, scientific inquiry, geography, and conservation while incorporating principles in character, team-work, communication, and diversity. Real ocean video captured around the world combined with cartoon characters will excite children and leave them begging for more! These DVDS need to reach the hands and hearts of children, families and schools across the country. This is the first DVD in the new Adventures of Ocean Annie books and DVD series. Dive Into California DVD from The Adventures of Ocean Annie, Makaio and Fringy the Ichthyologist fish is also available! Ocean animals are better than cartoons but now kids get to learn from the best of both worlds! By entertaining and educating the next generation about our Ocean, they grow up loving it and wanting to protect it! Annie Crawley is the CEO and founder of Dive Into Your Imagination. Dive Into Your Imagination is a production company created by Annie Crawley to change the way a new generation views the ocean and themselves. With articles ranging from how to get your kids to love water, Creature Features, Cool Scientists, and photography, video and storytelling skills, there is something for everyone. Dive Into Your Imagination creates entertaining media to share the real ocean with the world. Annie Crawley is available to speak to schools, groups and organizations, please contact her today! Read more
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